1 – The Church no longer needs to convert anyone?
2 – Should the Gospel be adapted to contemporary culture?
3 – Capital punishment is opposed to the Law of God?
4 – Does everyone have a right to receive the Sacraments?
5 – Is conscience the last word on what is good and evil?
6 – Is conscience totally free? Can one do evil so that good may result from it?
7 – Youth who live together shouldn’t be encouraged to marry?
8 – Is there a Catholic God?
9 – Absolute truth does not exist?
10 – Can anyone interpret God as he wishes?
11 – Is Ecumenism the harmony of all Christian Faiths?
12 – Ecumenism of Blood is a Priceless Contribution toward Christian Unity?
13 – The Church has no solution for the crisis of the family?
14 – Does the Church still teach the existence of eternal condemnation?
15 – The Church no longer excludes the divorced in second union from the Eucharist?
16 – Are atheists also children of God, capable of doing good just like
17 – Christ will not judge anyone at the Final Judgment?
18 – Should the teaching of Morals be silenced?
19 – Caution with evil is no longer necessary?
20 – Christ is only in the poor?
21 – Is peace possible without Christ?
22 – Is there a spark of God in every human being?
23 – Are all, including atheists or those of any religion, children of God?
24 – In the end, do all go to Heaven?
25 – God never condemns, and always pardons?
26 – Is material charity the most important thing in the Church?
27 – Is salvation guaranteed to all who belong to God’s people?
28 – Are souls punished with annihilation?
29 – Contemplative communities are spiritually sick since they do not go out?
30 – The Church should not attempt to form the consciences of people?
31 – All religions lead to God?
32 – Is it necessary to reform the Church and to reduce the precepts?
33 – Does healthy plurality of religions mean that all religions are equal?
34 – Did the Church stop looking to Jesus Christ?
35 – God is not omnipotent?
36 – Can the admonitions of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith be despised?
37 – Does the Old Covenant still exist and is Judaism a valid way of salvation?
38 – Are we all equal? Does it no longer signify anything to be the Pope?
39 – The Roman Curia: Flattering Courtiers or Aides to the Pope?
40 – The Church should promote the laicity of the State?
41 – Asceticism and silence in the Spiritual Exercises: deviations or a way to the true goal?
42 – Is Fraternal Correction Good or an Evil?
43 – Happiness…Where is it to be found?
44 – Is Catholic Education indifferent today?
45 – Is it impossible to know where to encounter God?
46 – How should the other Christian churches be considered? Are their priestly ordinations valid?
47 – The Church should be reduced to a small minority?
48 – Having a large family is a sign of irresponsibility?
49 – To look for doctrinal clarity is outdated?
50 – Alms-giving is preferable to divine worship?
51 – Holy Communion is no longer the reception of the Body and Blood of Our Lord?
52 – How is God is present in sinners’ lives?
53 – The Church’s concern has ceased to be primarily about spiritual problems?
54 – It is impossible to find God with entire certainty?
55 – Society has nothing to profit from the Church’s teachings? What is the much touted ‘culture of encounter’?
56 – Mercy takes away the gravity of sin?
57 – Can the Holy Spirit counsel good with evil?
58 – Why does Francis ask blessings from heretics and schismatics?
59 – “Who am I to judge him?” Is homosexuality a sin?
60 – Do Catholics really pray Jewish prayers?
61 – What did Saint Paul really say about boasting of our sins?
62 – Did the Virgin Mary rebel against God?
63 – The Church learns about God’s will from the people? Her teachings on the family must be adapted to the times?
64 – Sins are a motive for joy and salvation?
65 – Good vibes, positive energies, prayers – all the same thing?
66 – The Eucharistic fast…a dictatorial burden?!
67 – Communism is good? It is concerned about the poor? It has similarities with the Church’s social doctrine?
68 – The multiplication of the loaves was only a symbol?
69 – Equality is the source of justice and happiness?
70 – Christians are revolutionaries?
71 – To offer thousands of rosaries is a bad thing?
72 – The Church and the Papacy can be transformed into something democratic, horizontal?
73 – The evangelization of the Americas did not benefit the indigenous peoples?
74 – What should a Catholic think about the Encyclical Laudato Si´?
75 – The order established by God in the created world has changed after the encyclical Laudato Si’?
76 – Laudato si’ (III): “I would like to offer Christians a few suggestions for an ecological spirituality”
77 – A good theologian should ‘have the odor of the people and the street’?
78 – Must Christians always humble themselves before all the rest?
79 – ‘Outstanding in solid faith’, primary requirement of the Code of Canon Law for Episcopal nominations has now passed on to a secondary place?
80 – Did Jesus rebel against the Father’s will on the Cross?
81 – Why does Francis ask everyone – atheists, communists, muslims, schismatics – to pray for him?
82 – The blasphemous crucifix of Evo Morales should not offend Catholics?
83 – The Pope and the people: who should invoke the divine blessing for whom?
84 – Can anybody be chosen as godparents? What does the Church think of divorce?
85 – Can Catechesis be compared with yoga or zen?
86 – Is it possible to be anti-clerical and Catholic at the same time?
87 – Ecumenism justifies leaving out Jesus Christ in order to pray with Jews and Muslims?
88 – Francis says that there is no explanation for suffering. Is that true?
89 – The Church is closed in on herself and ailing?
90 – The divorced and remarried are not excommunicated…but, do they enjoy God’s friendship?
91 – The Church must be poor?
92 – Can the matrimonial bond suffer a rupture?
93 – Francis at the World Meeting of Popular Movements?
94 – Can a Pope defend communist ideas?
95 – The care of men is the most important thing in the Church?
96 – Can youth be formed with neither God nor religion?
97 – The Social Doctrine of the Church endorses the socialist reforms that Francis proposes?
98 – Sects no longer exist, and now everyone is the ‘church’?
99 – Do Catholics and muslims worship the same God?
100 – Is sin compatible with the religious life?
101 – The holy anger of Jesus is only pretense?
102 – What is the family for the Church? Any type of union?
103 – Can good-will replace theology?
104 – The Christian faith is the same as the Muslims’?
105 – Adulterine unions are no longer considered irregular?
106 – Lay people assuming the role of priests?
107 – The Incarnation came about for God to learn to be a man?
108 – The Quran is a prophetic book of peace?
109 – Is Christ no longer the center of the Gospel?
110 – Catholic doctrine on private property has changed?
111 – Jesus is only mercy?
112 – The ‘Bread of Life’ discourse is not about the Eucharist? It was better interpreted by the protestants?
113 – To see Christ in the marginalized means leaving them where they are or raising them up to Christ?
114 – To be a good shepherd it is necessary to never condemn anyone and to get ‘dirty’?
115 – The Church spent two thousand years without knowing how to proclaim the Gospel in the most accessible way?
116 – Gentleness must be above truth?
117 – God loves obstinate sinners with tenderness?
118 – Differences between the true Faith and Lutheran beliefs are only a question of interpretations?
119 – Grace is the quantity of light in the soul?
120 – God’s only reply to evil is love, mercy, forgiveness in the Cross of Christ?
121 – Faith is built by us? It is not received
122 – Our Lord Jesus Christ needed to beg for forgiveness?
123 – The Church no longer teaches fully the entirely truth?
124 – Is it possible to obtain spiritual fruit and to give glory to God in other religions?
125 – The Church should adapt her evangelizing labor to the world?
126 – The Church is responsible for the Anglican schism?
127 – Christians and muslims share common points in their holy books?
128 – Ecumenism with other confessions does not aim at attracting all to the Church?
129 – We need to renounce our own culture to receive the refugees?
130 – To follow the Church’s moral teaching is to be pharisaical?
131 – The Church must be reformed according to the world?
132 – To forgive sins, the priest does not occupy the place of Jesus Christ?
133 – John the Baptist doubted that Jesus was the Messiah?
134 – The Papacy as an institution needs a conversion? It does not perfectly reflect what Jesus wished?
135 – Jesus was stained by sin?
136 – The Vatican protocol regarding public sinners must be changed?
137 – It is no longer necessary to declare one’s sins to a confessor to be pardoned?
138 – In the Church are women more important than Bishops and Priests?
139 – Preaching the Gospel does not entail doctrinal and moral principles?
140 – The Church has defects?
141 – To have zeal for the liturgy, doctrine and prestige of the Church amounts to ‘insidious worldliness’?
142 – Is God’s mercy aimed at religious syncretism? Or sincere conversion?
143 – The Orthodox are no longer schismatics?
144 – Judas was a poor, penitent man?
145 – Family morality has ‘overly rigid classifications’ that should not be obeyed?
146 – What does Francis have against the faithful Ukrainian people?
147 – Does Francis have affinity with the Jovinian heresy?
148 – Christian marriage is realized in a partial and analogous way by adultery?
149 – Interpersonal relationships no longer need to seek purity and perfection?
150 – Can the doctrinal unity of the Church be denied in individual circumstances?
151 – Families receive great aid in educating their children from the mass-media?
152 – The Church fulfilled her role by solving human problems?
153 – Does Christ’s mandate ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ actually amount to fanatism?
154 – Is there a crisis in the Church currently? Or is this fantasy?
155 – Union among the faithful is brought about by caring for the marginalized?
156 – Amoris Laetitia versus the Church’s enduring Magisterium
157 – Is unity and peace possible (without Christ) in a world steeped in sin?
158 – Is it time to learn fidelity to the Gospel from those who haven’t achieved it?
159 – Do the faithful attain reconciliation within the Church, or elsewhere?
160 – Is sin an offense against God, or against the world?